Friday, November 21, 2008

An Ode to Black Hair

After seeing so much weave and ugly pieces of synthetic on many of my poor sistahs hair i just reminisce a lot about the good ole days and i am talking about the 90's and to be exact 1992 was the year when the revolution of the black hair began. I love sistahs who are bold enough to wear that short hair with pride and i get to see their bone structures, high cheek bones, rosey cheeks, Long necks or layered necks and unfortunately a few scars from that curling iron on the back of their neck but who cares cos it will heal in a few weeks (Thanks to that Melanin) . I don't know who was first in the short hair Revolution but its a toss between Haile Berry and Toni Braxton and soon after yeah the term chicken heads with sex appeal came up but i don't see them as chicken heads i see them as Beautiful Bold and Brave Sistah and only the poor negroes who have been brainwashed that beautiful has something to do with the length of a females hair. I wish that time will come back when women had more pride in their short kinky or nappy hair or even permed short hair (At least it was natural). Now we live in a fiasco where most sistahs i see out nowadays look like hookers from the 80's with bad taste. There is nothing worse than having a lady over and you want to recreate a romantic evening with her on the couch and you are sipping wine together and acting all sophisticated and talking about World Politics and just like they do in the movies you reach out to her and slowly run your hand thru her hair and ALAS!!!!!!!!!! she got CORNROWS!!! underneath her long jet black Indian hair that touches her behind and all of a sudden the mood changes and you are like damn you could have told me that earlier that that was just a weave on. Nowadays thanks to all the numerous weaves out there we have more cases of pets choking on hair in the emergency vet hospital or more plumber visits because the synthetic hair has clogged up our bathrooms and toilets and our vaccums only last a few months before we replace them because the numerous fake hair in them.
I know there are some men who have identity crisis and issues with their sexuality that makes it impossible for them to date women with shorter hair because it reminds them of that inner urge that they are trying to suppress about really being with boys/men but for a real man short hair is a thing of pride because it takes a lot of emphasis away from hair which really is a form of dead skin and accentuates the other parts of the pretty human face. Besides if a woman is ugly with no hair then guess what she is still gonna be ugly with long hair. the only difference is the Korean Store owner who she made richer.
I know its the beyonce era of fake everything but i know deep down there are some deep sistahs out there who are yearning for the revolution of the SHORT BLACK HAIR.


Only in America do Gangstas Dance and Sing

I have been in this Country for some time now and can officially say i am hiphop and love the hiphop culture way before the Gangsta Rap influence which has set Hiphop back a couple of Decades with its glorifying of sex and violence but the biggest mystery of the so called gangsta rap and their following is the fact that the Record Industry can make Gangstas out of singers and dancers. I mean it seems like the biggest Allibi if one can be a real gangsta by day and blend into a musical group at nite in order to disguise himself but this does not seem to be the case here in the U.S. Maybe it's because i have travelled around the World quite a bit but i must say that Only in America will one find a singer/crooner/dancer/rapper that entertains thousands of people for a living and still want to be known or down as a Gangsta. I mean how can you be a gangsta with make up on before your show or video shoot . I know its easy to look tough by wearing oversized Baggy pants and brandishing a pistol and have tattoos all over your anatomy but i hate to say it that majority of these fools are over grown clowns and Black and White Minstrels. We all watch Sopranos from time to time and this is a representation of the typical Sicilian Mafia family and the only time i see the likes of Tony Soprano sing or even dance is when they are at a family event not at the Madison Garden thowing up signs.

I have lived in Nigeria and have lived in Neighborhoods that have gangsters and the approach is totally different. These individuals can and have killed with their bare hands and fists and these individuals do not wear designer clothes and dont even laugh a lot. You can get a beat down of your life for just staring too hard at a gangster. I have a distant relative who is an O.G in Nigeria who makes a livng just of up and coming gangsters in the neighborhood who will rob, sell drugs and any other illegal activity and after they will come to him and break bread and give him proceeds ranging from 10% to 20% of the loot and he gets to pick what he wants. These people are ruthless individuals who will kill a best friend in the blink of an eye if he/she crosses them. These folks dont use moisturizers or deodorants or even Colognes cos they lose street cred. Its still a mystery to me that this so called gangsta rap chirade continues in the U.S and the youth still believe it. I would love to hand pick a few of these gangsta rappers and take them on a pilgrimmage to the Mother land and let them spend 6 hours in a Third World Jail/Cell and see if they can survive the circumstances that they are faced upon. I wonder whether Gangsta Rap wil ever GO AWAY.

Oldies but Goodies

I did this blog a couple of years ago and still find it amusing so i am reposting it.

Black People!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am just venting again(Typical Angry Black Man) but i am sick and tired and sick and tired of running into sistas who are wannabe Industry HO's(Yeah i said it).
What has become of us in this day and age where Reality TV is now considered a Career next to being a Doctor, Lawyer, Teacher and Engineer. I have noticed in the last five years that nearly every black woman out there that i have met is an aspiring model(Some are in there mid 40's),Promoter, Aspiring Singer, Marketing Exec or an Aspiring Reality Ho.
We live in a day and age where most black women out there from the ages of 18-39 if interviewed would tell you that they want to either meet or be like Beyonce Knowles(Air Head), Kellis(Confused)Tyra Banks(Professional Ho) Supahead(I rest my case) or Oprah(I love white ppl and Nelson Mandela). What happened to Maya Angelou, Lani Guinier,India Arie, Alfre Woodard, Cathy Hughes and a host of other Great Black Women? Even though i know it doesnt get any better for us black men idolizing knuckle heads who put jewelry in their mouths and all over their cars but do black women have to fall off the band wagon too just because we are messed up and on that good stuff.
I am gonna try and break down these Hot careers for Black women in my opinion.
Model... Professional HO. No matter how slim/skinny you are or have ethnic looks or long legs there is no standard for becoming a model.One season they might prefer the anorexic bitch and next season they want the ethnic look so why invest that much time into a career that will dispose of you like a diaper and lets be honest models dont just do cat walk for 10,000 a day because they have to do favors like sleep with the sponsors rich arab friend or his French race car driver and his posse or even his pet dog and lets be honest these guys got all the toys and drugs in the world and lets be honest there are probably around 10 Super models worldwide and nearly 100 million are trying out for that mess. (FYI Tyra Banks was never a Super Model ask Naomi, Christy,Linda and Cindy).
Promoter.... This is the lady who organizes events and passes out fliers or hangs around clubs with celebrities and takes pictures with them (Groupie) in order to get her rent or car not paid.By the way she also models part time but if you at least do it part time shouldnt you get paid a part time wage? Anything you do for a favor or for free is considered a hobby. FYI being a promoter in your 30's is kinda played out cos you aint gonna nab the Basketball player, Football player or the Hip Hop artist, the best you can do is take part in an Orgy with them and hope your videotape doesnt land on the internet.
Reality Show HO...Now you are the scum of the earth to think that you can audition for the next dozen reality shows on TV and get lucky and get your 15 minutes of fame. The odds of you getting on the show are worse than you graduating cum laude at an ivy school studying applied physics and even if you do make it on the show don't you know you are setting black folks another 100yrs back to the Black and white minstrel show era.They already think you are the angry black woman who is quick to raising her eyebrows and wriggling her neck in a rhythmical motion and ready to put her finger in someone's face (Now thats not the stereotype u want to live up to) . And for those of you who have ever sent an audition tape to the Flavor of Love show or have been unfortunate to get selected on the show all i can say is " Woe unto You" That is the worst form of buffoonery one can ever be subjected to . No amount of money should make anyone sell out there race to a show like that . We all know Flavors Brain was fried back in the early 90's and its a miracle the man is still living but GOD HAS A SENSE OF HUMOR.
Peace two fingers.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Watch out for the Clinton Mafia

Its a new dawn in America with President Elect Obama at the podium and i am trying to be optimistic about his upcoming regime because unfortunately i am not like most African Americans who are more caught up in the historical breakthrough of an African American as President of the most powerful country in the world. It might have to do with the fact that i have African Parents and i come from a country that is ruled by only black people and i still see the baggage of colonialism that prevents them from moving on and instead many have become stooges for the same propaganda slave masters who strategically left the regime to puppets instead of visionaries. I am trying hard not to criticize the upcoming regime but i promised that i will wait 90 days into office before i start criticizing this regime and even though Obama has not even been sworn in yet but i already have mixed feelings about some of his selections already.

I am not too pleased at his selection of Rahm Emmanuel who many people regard as rude and a dick but all they can say about him is that he can get the job done. Now why does that remind me of Rumsfield and Cheney who most people didnt get along with but got their evil agendas carried out despite a lot of opposition. The selection of Rahm is certainly a Slap in the face for Middle East peace moves which have been going on for an eternity. Rahm is a Pro Israeli lobbyist who was also in the Israeli armed forces and actually escorted Obama to the last AIPAC meeting where all 3 Presidential candidates where kissing so much ass to this think tank that it was comical and i loved the skit Jon Stewart did about that where McCain, Hilary and Obama were pretty much begging for the Zionist's help.

All i can say is that based on his selection of Rahm i know that i am gonna be investing a lot of money on Oil options to go up in the next couple of years because i know the Arab leaders are taking note and since they have a monopoly on the World Oil they will let us feel it in our pockets. I know obama is promising renewable energy and thats if he gets the budget the Dubya already squandered away by going to war and not the Bailouts it will still take at least 20years before we can benefit from such a fairy tale plan but at least i will be laughing to the bank in some remote island if my prediction pays off.

Another bothering issue is the rumor that Obama is going to surround himself with the Clintons croonies. That doesnt bode well either. BTW Rahm is a former Clinton ally who Hilary tried to get fired because he was a dick but Bill saved his job by demoting him. Now i know a lot of people remember the Clinton Administration as a great one where we had a surplus for the first time in many decades but it was not totally a good regime but people have short term memories. The biggest thing that happened to the Clinton Administration was the Interne Boom which had nothing to do with them but it was bound to happen. Due to this a lot of jobs were created and lots of people became homeowners for the first time ever and actually lived the American dream and the Govt came up with some dubious strategies to let banks and mortgage companies give out risky loans which a lot of people took advantage of and by the beginning of 2000 there was an internet bubble and most of those gains were erased. Unemployment was at an All time high when Clinton was about to exit office. Clinton is the same person who refused to sign the Kyoto treaty while the whole world begged him to for a safer environment and reduce missile build up. Clinton is also the same person that passed the 3 strikes you are out law which helped lock a lot of black people but people dont remember that. Clinton's Administration is also the architect for making Crack Cocaine Possession more criminal than powder cocaine which is basically racially based and did i mention that a lot of people in the Clintons camp ended up missing and dead with no real explanation, Sounds like a Mafia to me.

I know Obama wants to be viewed as someone who is Bipartisan and inclusive but history has taught us that you dont get the job done that way. It's a good idea but it doesnt work. If you have an agenda and really believe in it just carry it out and dont wait on people who want to form committees and debate the issue for months and ending up doing nothing. Thats what the Bushes did and they were very successful even though it was in an evil way but remember"Mission Accomplished".

I am not a fan of Obama's strategy in inviting all these big wigs to Wall street to come up with a plan. We dont need a dream team to solve our economic problems so leave out the Warren Buffets and their croonies because they all have a personal agenda. Warren Buffet has been Adivisng Schwarzenegger since he has been the Governor of California and the Economoy still sucks so its not worth it. By hiring a bunch of successful business men and Economic geniuses is only going to slow things down because they will not agree to each others agenda and just stall the process.

90 Days then i will hold Obama to each and every promise he made or i will have to form my opinion about him which aint cool.